Freday, 28 October 2005

Newsletter Nr. 9 / 2005


Stipendiat ved IMER/UiB

Ved IMER/UiB ved Det samfunnsvitskapelige fakultet er det ledig en stilling som stipendiat i internasjonal migrasjon og etniske relasjoner. Stipendet inngår i arbeidet med IMER-forskingen ved UiB, og er åpent for ulike tema innen IMER-feltet.

Les mer om det her

Oppnevningen av et nytt programstyre for Forskningsrådets IMER-program

Divisjonsstyret i Store satsinger vedtok tidligere i år å sette i gang et nytt IMER-program for perioden 2005-2010. Det nye programstyret ble oppnevnt i møtet 2. september. – Dette forskningsfeltet står foran økt oppmerksomhet og et nytt løft, tror koordinator Tor Lunde Larsen.

Les mer om dette her

International expert seminar on the measures for discrimination

15 November 2005 SMED arranges an international expert seminar on the measures for discrimination. The seminar will take place in Oslo. “Common Measures for Discrimination” is a two-year project aimed at providing recommendations towards improving the measurement of discrimination.

Existing data concerning ethnic discrimination consists of information on the forms of discrimination gathered by complaints bodies, of surveys concerning perceived discrimination, and of statistics of negative outcomes for ethnic minority groups. We propose that the measurement of discrimination can be improved through linking and triangulating these different sources of data. SMED will be presenting the first “Common Measures” report at the seminar.

For more information see . If you have questions, please contact Eero Olli at +47 2224 6965 or

Participation in the seminar is free of charge. Register by sending an e-mail to before 4th of November.

Symposium and Workshop: Norway 1905 – 2005:

From monocultural to multicultural discourse

Time: 31 October – 1 November, 2005
Place: Hedmark University College, Faculty for Education and Science (LUNA),
Holsetgata 31, 2318 Hamar, Norge

The Symposium consists of a series of lectures by invited lecturers. There will be time for questions and comments after each lecture.


After the Symposium and lunch on Tuesday November 1st, there will be a workshop entitled Regionalisation and cultural variety. The workshop is open for all participants

No fee, but registration is required. Send an e-mail with name, address and institution of work/studies to

More information here:

Mandagsseminaret Culcom, UiO
Time: Mandag, 31 Oktober 2005, 14.15-16.0
Place: Georg Sverdrups hus, undervisningsrom 2, 3. etasje

Alexa Døving: ”Det multikulturelle samfunn og rettighetsproblematikk”.

Alexa Døving tok i februar 2005 doktorgraden i religionshistorie med avhandlinga “Norsk-pakistanske begravelsesritualer – en migrasjonsstudie”. Ho er for tida tilsett ved Culcom og Høgskulen i Oslo kor ho mellom anna arbeider med bokprosjektet “Rett til kultur?”.

Alle er velkomne!

Call for papers, Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism journal

Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism (SEN), a biannual, fully-refereed journal published in the Department of Government at the London School of Economics, invites the submission of high-quality interdisciplinary articles of no more than 8,000 words – including bibliography and references – on issues pertaining to nationalism, ethnicity and related topics.

The editors welcome submissions of both theoretical and empirical nature, work in progress as well as contributions from young professionals, post-docs and lecturers in the early stages of their career. SEN especially encourages submissions from PhD candidates. For submissions to be considered for publication in the next issue, please ensure your paper reaches us by 15 November 2005 via email. ( ).

For more information, and to consult our style guide, please visit SEN’s website:


Breivik, Jan-Kåre (2005): Deaf Identities in the Making. Local Lives, Transnational Connections. Gallaudet University Press.

Read about the book here and here

Report (University of Gothenburg): In The Asylum-seeking Child in Europe, knowledge from different areas of academic research, such as law, medicine, psychiatry, psychology, anthropology, sociology and pedagogic, and from different European countries presents international and interdisciplinary perspectives on the ways in which the situation of refugee children are understood and managed both during and after the application of asylum. The book, which is about 200 pages and costs 100 SEK, can be ordered from