Friday, January 9, 2009

Newsletter Nr. 1 / 2009


  • CULCOM seminar: Gaza: Hvilke scenarier er mulige?
  • CULCOM konferanse: Rettferdighet
  • AHRC Diasporas, Migration and Identities Programme/CRONEM Conference 2009: Call for papers
  • NTNU Conference : Islamic Resurgence in the Age of Globalization: Myth, Memory, Emotion: call for papers
  • 2nd Global conference of ‘Diasporas – Exploring critical issues’: Call for papers
  • IUSSP Scientific Panel on the Integration of Migrants seminar: Call for papers
  • ‘Migration, Mixing and Ethnic relations’ – a session of the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) Annual Conference: Call for papers
  • 36th Conference on Value Inquiry: Values in an Age of Multiculturalism: Call for papers
  • Call for papers- extended deadline: Welfare and Values in Europe: Transitions related to Religion, Minorities and Gender
  • Institute for Cultural Diplomacy programs– February 2009
  • The Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration Network of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE): Call for papers
  • The Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies (IMES) and the University of Amsterdam: Call for applications
  • The University of Kent’s Brussels School of International Studies: PhD Studentship in Migration Studies
  • Publications

CULCOM Mandagsseminar:

Gaza: Hvilke scenarier er mulige?

CULCOM inviterer hermed til et utvidet mandagsseminar med utgangspunkt i den tilspissede situasjonen i Gaza. Noen av landets fremste eksperter på regionen er invitert til å innlede om krisen og hvilke mulighetsrom som nå avtegner seg, spesielt i Gaza, men også med henblikk på hele området.

Innlederne er Nils Butenschøn (Senter for menneskerettigheter), Hilde Henriksen Waage (Historie, Universitetet i Oslo), Elisabeth Eide (CULCOM) og Anne Hege Grung (CULCOM). Møteleder er Thomas Hylland Eriksen (CULCOM).

Time: 12. jan. 2009, 14.15 – 16.30
Place: UiO, Auditorium 2, Eilert Sundts hus ( SV-fakultetet)

Oversikt over Culcom sine arrangementer finner du her.

Culcom konferanse:


Konferansen tar utgangspunkt i dagens flerkulturelle og transnasjonale samfunn, der både mennesker, ideer, ressurser og politiske spørsmål ustanselig krysser landegrensene. Bidragsyterne på seminaret og i den kommende boka, oppfordres til å spørre hva som framstår som rettferdig i dagens Norge, nærmere bestemt hva som oppfattes som ’rettferdighet på norsk’.

Time: 5. feb. – 6. feb. 2009
Place: Oslo, Norlandia Karl Johan Hotell, Karl Johan salen

Konferansen er den 5. i rekken av konferanser som tidligere har munnet ut i bøkene Trygghet, Normalitet, Frihet og Verdier.

Konferanseansvarlige og redaktører
Professor Beatrice Halsaa, Senter for tverrfaglig kjønnsforskning, Universitetet i Oslo (STK) og professor Anne Hellum, Institutt for offentlig rett, Universitetet i Oslo.

Bekreftede innledere
Kjersti Fjørtoft, Universitetet i Tromsø; Ande Somby, Universitetet i Tromsø; Beret Bråten, Universitetet i Oslo; Jorunn Økland, Universitetet i Oslo; Stina Solhøy, Universitetet i Oslo; Vibeke Blaker Strand, Universitetet i Oslo; Siri Hall Arnøy, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet; Elisabeth Thorsen, sokneprest Oslo domkirke; Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Universitetet i Oslo; Christina Voigt, Universitetet i Oslo; Odin Lysaker, Universitetet i Oslo; Peter Normann Waage, forfatter og frilansjournalist; Karl Ove Moene, Universitetet i Oslo.

Program for konferansen finner du her.

Konferansen krever påmelding og deltakeravgift (kr. 375 for begge dager, eller kr. 250 for en dag.) Lunsjbuffet serveres på hotellet og er inkludert i deltageravgiften. Påmelding skjer etter “førstemann til mølla prinsippet” og senest onsdag 28. januar 2009. Klikk her for å melde deg på konferansen.

Kontaktperson: Anne-Marit Hessevik.

AHRC Diasporas, Migration and Identities Programme / CRONEM conference 2009

Call for papers:

Diasporas, Migration and Identities: Crossing Boundaries, New Directions

Time: 11-12 June 2009
Place: University of Surrey, Guildford, UK

‘Diasporas, migration and identities’ has been the subject of a major national research programme funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) in the UK since 2005. Its central concerns have also been at the heart of the work of the Centre for Research on Nationalism, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism (CRONEM). The aim of this international conference is to examine the past and present impact of diasporas and migration on nation, community, identity and subjectivity, culture and the imagination, place and space, emotion, politics, law and values.

Confirmed speakers:

* Ien Ang, University of West Sydney, Australia
* Robin Cohen,  University of Oxford / University of Warwick, UK
* Peggy Levitt,  Wellesley College, USA
* Ato Quayson,  University of Toronto, Canada

The organizers invite abstracts that address the following themes :

o Migration, settlement and diaspora: modes, stages and forms
o Representation, performance, discourse and language
o Subjectivity, emotion and identity
o Objects, practices and places
o Beliefs, values and laws
o The role of youth in relationship to diasporas, migration and identities
o Diasporic economics and labour markets
o The recognition of multiple origins and mixedness
o The politics of immigration and integration
o Public opinion and public policy
o Ethnic identity politics

The closing date for abstracts is 2 February 2009.

For more information, registration and submission forms,  please visit

NTNU Conference

Call for papers:

Islamic Resurgence in the Age of Globalization: Myth, Memory, Emotion

Organizers: Ulrika Mårtensson, NTNU; Itzchak Weismann, Haifa University; Mark Sedgwick, Aarhus University.

Time: September 4-6, 2009
Place: NTNU -The Norwegian University of Science and Technology

The organizers invite interdisciplinary paper proposals dealing with the Islamic resurgence in the late 20th and early 21st centuries from the perspective of three key concepts: myth, memory and emotion.

For more information, visit:

Keynote speakers are:
Dale Eickelman, Dartmouth College
Armando Salvatore, Humboldt University
Hakan Yavuz, University of Utah

It is intended that an edited volume will be published, based on the proceedings of the conference. Traveling expenses and accommodation for paper presenters will be covered by the organizers, as will be an excursion to the fjords and a concluding dinner.

Abstract proposals ( 400 words, with a brief CV, max two sentences) should be sent by January 31, 2009 to:
Ulrika Mårtenson (
Itzchak Weismann (
Mark Sedgwick (

Call for papers:

2nd Global conference: Diasporas – Exploring critical issues

Time: Monday 6th July – Thursday 9th July 2009
Place: Mansfield College, Oxford

This inter- and multi-disciplinary project seeks to explore the contemporary experience of Diasporas – communities who conceive of themselves as a national, ethnic, linguistic or other form of cultural and political construction of collective membership living outside of their ‘home lands.’

In particular, key issues to be addressed include:
*What are the defining characteristics of Diasporas and what distinguishes one from the other?
*What role does ‘home’ and ‘host’ cultures play in developing relationships between communities in a global environment?
*How new is the concept of Diasporas; does it capture new global realities or designate old phenomena in a new way?

The project will also assess the larger context of major world transformations, for example, new forms of migration and the massive movements of people across the globe, as well as the impact and contribution of globalisation on tensions, conflicts and the sense of acceptance, rootedness and membership. Looking to encourage innovative trans-disciplinary dialogues, we warmly welcome papers from all disciplines, professions and vocations which struggle to understand what it means for people today to have diasporic experiences and a multiplicity of social, political and cultural memberships.

In particular papers, workshops, presentations and pre-formed panels are invited on any of the following themes:

1. Defining and Grasping the Concept of Diasporas
2. Migration, Settlement and Identity
3. Culture, Belonging and Collective Imaginations
4. Instructions and Design

Details about the themes and the conference can be found here.

Papers will be considered on any related theme.
300 word abstracts should be submitted by Friday 6th February 2009.

For information on the Diasporas – Exploring critical issues Project, visit their website.

IUSSP Scientific Panel on the Integration of Migrants Seminar

International workshop on:

The Policy Use of Quantitative and Qualitative Indicators of Integration

Time: 25-26 May 2009
Place: Paris, France

Call for papers:
The second seminar of the IUSSP Scientific Panel on the Integration of Migrants invites researchers to submit papers that examine the relationship between policy and scientific approaches to integration, from the point of view of their reciprocal influences. How does research modify integration policies? How do policy demands structure research on integration? Concretely, how are quantitative or qualitative data used in the implementation of policy? Papers can be theoretical or empirical, and represent different disciplinary approaches: history, demography, political science, sociology, anthropology, legal studies, etc. Papers can focus on the national or regional level, or aim to be comparative. Due to the short time table for submitting proposals, this workshop is open to ongoing research projects.

A full announcement and description of this workshop is available at

Deadline for submissons: 15 February 2009

The IUSSP Scientific Panel on the Integration of Migrants invites researchers in the field to submit a 200-word abstract of their proposed paper (and if the author(s) wish, a full paper which must be unpublished) and fill out the online submission form, starting *10 January 2009* and no later than *15 February 2009.*

Abstracts may be submitted in English or in French but the working language at the meeting will be English.

For further information, please contact Patrick Simon ( ).

Call for papers :

A session of the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) Annual Conference:

Migration, Mixing and Ethnic Integration

Time: 26-28th August 2009
Place: City Departments of Manchester Metropolitan University and University of Manchester, UK

Sponsored by the Population Geography Research Group and the ESRC Understanding Population Trends and Processes (UPTAP) programme

Session organisers: Nissa Finney (University of Manchester), Gemma Catney (University of Manchester), John Stillwell (University of Leeds)

Session description:
In Britain and other European countries, recent years have seen a shift in ethnic integration policy from multiculturalism to community cohesion. With this shift has come a renewed emphasis on place and residential mixing. This session explores two themes of these debates. The first theme is patterns of settlement of immigrants and their subsequent migrations that are changing sub-national ethnic geographies. What factors and processes influence these patterns of settlement and migrations? Do they differ between ethnic/migrant groups? What are their implications for ethnic integration, residentially and otherwise? The second theme of the session is the meaning of ethnic residential mixing. Is residential mixing associated with greater integration in other spheres? What are the causal connections between the residential composition of areas and structural and social integration in these locales and beyond?

The session is sponsored by the ESRC’s Understanding Population Trends and Processes (UPTAP) programme. It aims to showcase research being undertaken within the Ethnicity stream of this programme and to present a forum for dialogue between UPTAP researchers, other researchers in the UK and overseas, and policy makers. Speakers are welcome from outside the UPTAP programme, and UPTAP will cover conference costs for all speakers.

Particular topics of the session may include:
* Settlement and secondary migration of recent immigrants (e.g. EU Accession immigrants, dispersed asylum seekers/refugees)
* Internal migration patterns of ethnic groups: reinforcing or reducing residential segregation?
* Housing and migration experiences of immigrant/ethnic groups
* Differences in migration experiences for immigrant/ethnic groups for different life stage, social classes, family contexts
* Motivations for migration and characteristics of migrants
* Mapping and monitoring migration of minority groups
* The significance of ethnic residential mixing for health, employment, experience of crime, relationships, social mobility.

To offer a paper to the session, submit your details (name, institution, email address) and an abstract (max. 250 words) to by Friday 23rd January 2009.

For more information, visit the Royal Geographical Society conference pages.

36th Conference on Value Inquiry:

Values in an Age of Multiculturalism

Time: 17-20 April, 2009
Place: Centre for Practical Ethics, York University, Toronto, Canada

The Conference on Value Inquiry seeks to bring together those whose work represents differences in interest, outlook, and expertise on questions of value.

An annual conference of the American Society for Value Inquiry, Values in an Age of Multiculturalism will explore how values are impacted and shaped by both the social fact of multiculturalism and multiculturalism as a political ideal. This conference will bring together academics, judges, politicians and public servants from Canada and the world.

Among the themes that the conference will explore are: immigration law policy and practice; religious freedom; education; work; precarious status; health care; inclusion exclusion and marginalization; language issues; the duties of citizenship; and issues in law for a diverse population.

Papers, and proposals for papers, that address concerns of social value, individual value, or relations among values of both types are welcome. Early Submission is strongly encouraged and advised. Papers should be between 20-25 minutes reading time. Papers may be practically or theoretically oriented. Topics may be disciplinary and range over issues within a single field of value inquiry such as normative ethics, applied ethics, aesthetics, political theory, or economics. Topics may be interdisciplinary and range over issues between two or more fields of value inquiry. Topics may even be meta-disciplinary and range over purely conceptual issues important for fuller understanding of matters of values in an age of multiculturalism.

Invited speakers include:
*Professor Tariq Modood, Sociology, Director of University Research Centre for the Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship, Bristol University
*Professor Monique Deveaux, Political Science, Williams College

To submit a paper, an abstract, or a proposal, or for additional information contact:

Professor Susan Dimock, Conference Coordinator
36th Conference on Value Inquiry
Centre for Practical Ethics
York University
119 McLaughlin College, 4700 Keele Street
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3J 1P3
E-mail: or

Call for papers – Extended deadline

International Research Conference at Uppsala University (Uppsala, Sweden), 26-28 March 2009:

Welfare and Values in Europe: Transitions related to Religion, Minorities and Gender

** There are a few spaces remaining for papers in parallel sessions!
Please submit abstracts by 21st January (or by the 12th to receive a response in time for the reduced registration fee deadline of 14th January)**

Read more about this conference in IMER newsletter 2008 #5.

Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)

Institute for Cultural Diplomacy programs– February 2009

The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) is pleased to announce four programs taking place in Berlin, February 2009. All programs are currently accepting applications. The programs are targeted at students and young professionals, and offer them excellent career opportunities through professional development and networking.

The ICD is an international, not-for-profit, non-governmental organization focused on the theoretical and practical promotion of cultural exchange as a tool for improving relations in all areas. To learn more about ICD activities, please visit

The ICD Programs have been developed to facilitate intercultural exchange at the grass roots, civil society and political levels. They bring together Young Leaders from across the world for an analysis of cultural diplomacy, an exploration of the relationship between their cultures, and to create a sustainable network between likeminded individuals. Following the completion of the programs, the participants are encouraged to use this network to develop their own leadership initiatives in the field of cultural diplomacy.

The follow-up initiatives are supported by the ICD through an online forum and personal consultation, and allow the ICD principals of inter-cultural relations based on dialogue, understanding and trust to spread much further

*The ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy (2 6 February 2009)
Further info:

*Europe Meets Latin America: A Forum for Young Leaders  (9 13 February 2009)
Further info:

*Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders (16 20 February 2009)
Further info:

*Cultural Diplomacy in Africa: A Forum for Young Leaders (23 27 February 2009)
Further info:

The Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration Network of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE):

Call for papers:

Theme: Capitalism in crisis?: What’s Next?

Economic Regulation and Social Solidarity after the Fall of Finance Capitalism.

The Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration Network of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) invites abstract proposals for papers and panels at its 2009 meeting in Paris at the Sciences Po. The theme is Capitalism in Crisis?: What’s Next? Economic Regulation and Social Solidarity after the Fall of Finance Capitalism.

Time: July 16-18 , 2009
Place: Sciences Po, Paris

The Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration network invites proposals for papers, panels, and authors-meet-critics sessions that address the processes, patterns, and changes related to socio-economic aspects of race, ethnicity, and immigration in all parts of the world and from different historical eras. The network seeks to develop a forum for theory and research on the study of these processes. It welcomes research from diverse disciplinary, theoretical, and methodological perspectives.

The deadline for proposal abstracts is January 15, 2009.

Please visit the SASE website for more information about the meeting and to submit a paper or session proposal via the online system. The co-organizers will be happy to answer any questions that you may have about the network and meeting.


Maritsa V. Poros                                      David Bartram
City College of New York, USA             Univ. of Leicester, UK
+1.212.650.5849               +                 

The Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies (IMES) and the University of Amsterdam: Call for applications

The Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies (IMES) and
the Department of Sociology and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Amsterdam invite applications for two assistant professors.

The Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences (FMG) is the largest educational and research institution in the social sciences in the Netherlands. The Faculty serves 7,500 students in numerous Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes in Political Science, Sociology, Anthropology, Communication Science, Psychology, Social Geography, Planning and International Development Studies, and Educational Sciences. The academic staff is employed in education as well as research. There are over 1,100 employees at the Faculty, which resides in a number of buildings in the centre of Amsterdam.

The Department of Sociology and Anthropology is one of the Departments in the FMG. Research and education are carried out by special institutes. The Institute for Education in Social Sciences (AIM), the International School for Humanities and Social Sciences (ISHSS), and the Graduate School for the Social Sciences (GSSS) are responsible for the undergraduate and graduate teaching programmes in the social sciences. Urban studies is one of the specializations in need of further strengthening. An interdisciplinary research institute that focuses on issues related to migration and integration from an international and comparative perspective, the Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies (IMES) is one of the research institutes. IMES wishes to strengthen its profile in urban studies and youth & identity studies.

The Department of Sociology and Anthropology currently has an opening for an assistant professor of urban sociology 38 hours per week, or 1.0 fte and an assistant professor of anthropology 38 hours per week, or 1.0 fte

The new assistant professors are expected to spend 60 percent of their time on teaching and 40 percent of their time on research.

_ strengthening the broad profile of sociology and anthropology in Amsterdam
_ developing, carrying out and supervising political science research at a high academic level
_ provide general, specialist and methodological education in the Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology and (assist in) supervising graduate students
_ acquiring, or helping to acquire, external funding for research
_ actively contributing to the development of the discipline in national and international context by publishing and participating in national and international research networks and educational initiatives

_ completed doctoral thesis in the field of the of sociology and anthropology
_ publications in international ‘peer reviewed’ periodicals and/or in books published by internationally recognised presses
_ broad knowledge in the field of general social science
_ specialist knowledge in either i) urban studies or ii) youth & identity studies (as described in the IMES research program)
_ thorough mastery of mastery of quantitative and/or qualitative research methods
_ capable to teach and motivate students at both basic and advanced levels
_ in a fairly short term: perfect passive, and adequate active knowledge of Dutch

More information
For more information about this position, please contact the Head of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Dr. Peter van Rooden, e-mail:, or the Director of IMES, Prof. Dr. Jan Rath, e-mail, telephone +31-20-525-3627.
Information about research can be found on the website:
Information about teaching can be found on the website:

Depending on qualifications and experience, between 3129 and 4868 Euros gross per month (UD 1/2)

The Department of Sociology and Anthropology is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Among equally qualified applicants, preference will be given to those applicants who will help to achieve affirmative action goals.

Send applications including statement of motivation, CV and list of publications no later than January 31, 2009 by e-mail to Ms. Thamar Zijlstra, IMES,

The University of Kent’s Brussels School of International Studies

PhD Studentship in Migration Studies

PhD studentship (tuition plus 9000 EUR per year) in Migration Studies available at the University of Kent at Brussels. The three-year, full-time studentship will start in September 2009.

The University of Kent’s Brussels School of International Studies is a specialised postgraduate school offering advanced international studies in Brussels, Belgium. Students benefit from the unique advantages of a prestigious degree from a renowned British University, with excellent opportunities for networking and professional advancement offered by our location in the cosmopolitan and politically important “Capital of Europe”.

A candidate for the studentship in the newly-established PhD in Migration Studies will have a strong master’s degree, most likely in the social sciences, although others will also be considered, as appropriate. Applications are encouraged in particular on topics within Migration Studies which will make the most of UKB’s Brussels location and UKB’s faculty.

The successful candidate will play a role in supporting the MA in Migration Studies at the University of Kent at Brussels or in providing research assistance.

To be eligible for the studentship, candidates must first have been accepted to the MPhil/PhD in Migration Studies. Candidates should first apply for an MPhil/PhD by following the instructions as detailed on the following webpage: This application should be followed by a research proposal of ca. 1500-2000 words, CV, covering letter and two academic references. Inquiries concerning the application process may be directed at

Applicants should then send an email to Alastair Ross at, indicating their interest in being considered for the studentship.

Informal inquiries may be directed to Dr. Amanda Klekowski von Koppenfels at

Closing date for applications for the studentship is 10 February 2009.



*Knut A. Jacobsen and Selva J. Raj (eds.): South Asian Christian Diaspora. Invisible Diaspora in Europe and North America. Ashgate Publishing Limited

For more information, see publishers website.

*World Migration 2008: Managing Labour Mobility in the Evolving Global Economy

More information on the ‘International Organization for Migration – the migration agency’ pages.

*Finnish Journal of Ethnicity and Migration 3/2008:

*Geoffrey Brahm Levey and Tariq Modood (eds.): Secularism, Religion and Multicultural Citizenship. Cambridge University Press.

Foreword by Charles Taylor.
For more information, see publishers webpage.

*Books on Global Migration- EU FP6 Project GLOMIG (Global Migration from the Eastern Mediterranean and Eurasia: Security and Human Rights Challanges to Europe):

    • Ayata, A. (Ed.). (2007). Challenges of Global Migration: EU and Its Neighbourhood. Ankara, Turkey: KORA, METU & Zeplin Iletisim Hizm. Ltd. Sti.


  • Rittersberger-Tılıç, H., Erdemir, A., Ergun, A. & Kahveci, H. (Eds.). (2007). Rethinking Global Migration: Practices, Policies, and Discourses in the European Neighbourhood. Ankara, Turkey: KORA, METU & Zeplin Iletisim Hizm. Ltd. Sti.

Detailed information about the project as well as the books on the GLOMIG website.