Tuesday, March 24, 2009


  • CULCOM seminar: Danishness, Europeanness, and the critique of Islam
  • Gyldendal Akademisk, -fagdag og boklansering: Trenger kulturelle forskjeller å være problematiske i møte med barn og unge med minoritetsbakgrunn?
  • CESEM conference: The Politics of Social Cohesion
  • 14th International Metropolis Conference: New deadline for workshop proposal is March 27.
  • 6th ETMU days: call for workshop proposals
  • Nordic Summer University: call for papers
  • ECREA Diaspora, Migration and the Media: call for papers
  • University of Basel: International Conference on Youth Transitions
  • Commission on Legal Pluralism: call for papers
  • Nordic Migration Research (NMR)
  • University of Vienna: Guest Professorship in Migration and Integration Policy Research
  • PRIO: Doctoral Research Fellowship on African Migration
  • University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland: Assistant professor in migration studies with a strong interest in legal issues
  • The Swedish Research Council for Working Life and Social Research: Postdocs in Ethnic and Migration Studies
  • University of Copenhagen: PhD Fellowship on Migration and Global Inequality
  • Utlysning av forskningmidler fra stiftelsen Helse og Rehabilitering via Norsk Folkehjelp
  • Publications

CULCOM seminar:

Danishness, Europeanness, and the critique of Islam.

Time: Apr 20, 2009 02:15 PM – 04:00 PM
Place: UiO, Harriet Holter’s building, room 201

Monday seminar with Heiko Henkel, University of Copenhagen.

In many ways the Muslim minorities that emerged in Northern and Western Europe since the 1960s have remained conspicuously marginal to national majority publics. Peripheral to the political systems and often underprivileged economically due to their marginalization in the education system and the labour marked, members of Muslim minorities often enjoy little prestige in the eyes of majority publics. Since the late 1990s, moreover, Muslim minorities have been viewed with growing suspicion as their affiliation with the Islamic tradition is increasingly seen as doubly problematic: as the source of insurmountable cultural alterity and as a dramatic security threat. In fact, the question if or under which conditions Muslims can be accepted as legitimate members of European publics has become the central issue in heated public debates across Europe.

Taking the Danish case as an example, this seminar explores the disquieting proposition that while Muslims have remained marginal to European societies the critique of Islam has become central to European identity. The Danish example, at least, seems to indicate that the critique of Islam has come to enable new forms of solidarity within national publics and has become the cornerstone of emerging forms of European identities that define – and indeed experience – Europeanness in opposition to the perceived intolerance of ‘Islam’.

This seminar will be held in english.

Gyldendal Akademisk :

Fagdag og boklansering:

Trenger kulturelle forskjeller å være problematiske i møte med barn og unge med minoritetsbakgrunn?

Gyldendal Akademisk inviterer til fagdag og lansering av boken:

Over profesjonelle barrierer. Et minoritetsperspektiv i psykososialt arbeid med barn og unge, av Ketil Eide, Naushad A. Qureshi, Marianne Rugkåsa og Halvard Vike (red.)

Time: Mandag 30. mars 2009, kl 10.00–15.00
Place: Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, Auditoriet, Sehestedsgt. 4, Oslo


* Over profesjonelle barrierer: Nok en bok om de andre?
v/Ketil Eide. R.BUP – helseregion øst og sør/ Høgskolen i Telemark.

* Velferd og kulturelle forskjeller
v/Halvard Vike. Professor og instituttleder ved Sosialantropologisk institutt, Universitetet i Oslo.

* Helse og smerte som sosiale og kulturelle prosesser
v/Anne Sigfrid Grønseth. Førsteamanuensis v/Høgskolen i Lillehammer.

* Politiets arbeid med barn og unge med minoritetsbakgrunn
v/Ingjerd Hansen. Minoritetsrådgiver, Oslo Politidistrikt.

* Brukermedvirkning i psykososialt arbeid med barn/unge og familier
v/Velauthapillai Dhayalan. Leder for Ressursgruppen Oppvekstvilkår for barn og unge, ved Kontaktutvalget mellom innvandrerbefolkningen og myndighetene (KIM).

* Kultursensitivitet i psykososialt arbeid med barn/unge og familier
v/Athar Ali. Grorud BUP/ kultur- og utdanningskomiteen (RV). Leder i Norsk Innvandrerforum.

* Over profesjonelle barrierer: En bokanmeldelse
v/Ada I. Engebrigtsen. Forsker ved Norsk senter for oppvekst, velferd og aldring (NOVA).

Fagdagen er gratis, enkel servering.
Påmelding: tlf. 22 03 43 62 eller tlf. 22 99 04 77,
innen 23.mars

CESEM conference :

The Politics of Social Cohesion

Centre for the Study of Equality and Multiculturalism (CESEM) organizes an inter-disciplinary conference, which aims to address social cohesion and the political uses to which this concept is put, in particular in relation to ethnocultural diversity.

Time: September 9-12, 2009
Place: University of Copenhagen, Denmark

The concept of social cohesion is becoming increasingly important in politics as well as public opinion. In particular, migration and the forms of ethnocultural diversity to which it gives rise are increasingly considered causes of conflict and destabilizing factors in contemporary democratic regimes, in part because such diversity is believed to undermine important values, including trust and solidarity. The main idea is that social identities determine attachment to and solidarity with those who belong to one’s group and separation and detachment from those who do not belong. As a result of this, it is further feared that diversity tends to undermine social spending and ultimately the welfare state. One aspect of these developments is that the work of social scientists on social cohesion is increasingly becoming politicized.
Keynote speakers include:

* Keith Banting, Policy Studies, Queen’s University
* Nils Holtug, Philosophy, University of Copenhagen
* Christian Joppke, Government, American University of Paris
* James Jupp, Immigration and Multicultural Studies, Australian National University
* Niels Kærgård, Economics, University of Copenhagen
* Yngve Lithman, Sociology, University of Bergen
* Andrew Mason, Social Science, University of Southampton
* Per Mouritsen, Politics, University of Aarhus
* Gert Tinggaard Svendsen, Politics, University of Aarhus
* Eric Uslaner, Government and Politics, University of Maryland
Call for Papers:
Please send an abstract of no more than 200 words to , no later than May 1, 2009 at noon

For further information and registration, see CESEM’s webpages.

14th International Metropolis Conference:

14th International Metropolis Conference: National Responses to Cultural Diversity
14 – 18 September 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark

**Deadline Extended**

Workshop Proposal Due by March 27, 2009

A hallmark of each International Metropolis Conference is its workshop program. Workshops are selected from an open call for proposals and are adjudicated according to the strength of the proposal, best fit with conference themes, and representation of a broad range of perspectives from various countries, sectors and backgrounds. We strongly recommend workshop organizers review the guidelines and answers to frequently asked questions related to the workshop programme at international Metropolis conferences. This document is available on the conference website and will be an indispensable resource for workshop organizers.

Workshop Proposals

Workshop proposals on topics related to migration and diversity are invited from researchers, policy-makers, non-governmental organisations and other interested delegates. Workshop organisers are reminded that workshops must include representation from the research, policy and non-government sectors, as well as participants from more than one country.

Please note that the workshop sessions are intended as a forum for comparative, cross-sectoral discussion; workshops that focus on a single, local project or individual country case study will not be considered. Workshops with explicit international comparisons and links to the main conference themes will be given preference. To propose a workshop, please download and fill in the required form, which you can download here. Once completed, proposals may be sent to

**Workshop deadline has been extended due to an increase number of rooms available at the conference venue. Decisions on workshops will be delivered via email by April 18, 2009**

For more information about the 14th International Metropolis conference, visit


6th ETMU days:

The Finnish Society for the Study of Ethnic Relations and International Migration
Call for workshop proposals:

Finland and innovative cultural diversity

Time: October 22-23, 2009
Place: University of Joensuu, University of Eastern Finland, Finland

The theme of the sixth annual ETMU Days,”Finland and Innovative Cultural Diversity”, is being approached from several angles. The purpose of the event is to create an open dialogue for researchers and representatives of different sectors and to discuss Finland of tomorrow. The ETMU Days in Joensuu will offer a multiform ensemble including scientific presentations, workshops and roundtable discussions on current topics.

The theme area of the ETMU Days can be approached from following directions: ethnicity, international mobility, multiculturalism, integration, indigenous and national minorities, minority rights, citizenship, nationalism, racism, refugees, religion, gender, education, upbringing and comparable topics.

Speakers at the conference include:
* Professor Doreen Massey (Open University, UK)
* Professor Tariq Modood (University of Bristol)
* Dr Aulikki Sippola, Professor Ari Lehtinen (University of Joensuu)
* Docent Pasi Saukkonen (CUPORE, University of Helsinki).

Also MDs Merja Räihä (Prokura), Kim Väisänen (Blancco Ltd) and representatives of ministry level and EU will hold presentations at the conference.

The languages of the conference are Finnish and English.

Call for workshop proposals:
Several workshops dealing with the above mentioned themes will be held at the conference. Researchers, research groups and students of the field may suggest topics for these workshops. The suggestions should include the name of the workshop and an approx. 200-word introduction to the theme. Suggestions should also specify the language of the workshop to be used and are to be submitted by 30.03.2009.

We are also searching for co-ordinators for the workshops. Their task is to choose abstracts for their workshops and function as chairpersons. The co-ordinators themselves are also welcome to suggest topics for workshops. As each workshop is established, information about it will be added to the website of ETMU and abstracts for them can be suggested from that moment onwards, yet latest in August 2009.

For further information:
Session proposals: Conference secretary Maiju Parviainen, maiju.parviainen[AT]

Nordic Summer University:

South Asia in the 21 Century: Explorations in Multidisciplinary Methodology

Call for paprers for the second workshop on ‘South Asia in the 21st Century’:

Time: July 19 – 26, 2009
Place: Nordic Summer University, Tyrifjord, Norway

Under the overall general themes the workshop specially invites papers covering:

* the historical dept and geographical dissemination of South Asian migration
* the reflections on migration and migratory societies in literature and other arts
* descriptions of migratory societies in the Nordic Countries and elsewhere in order to unite scholars and practitioners

For more information, see the NSU pages.

ECREA Diaspora, Migration and the Media:

Call for papers for a two-day workshop:

Diasporas, Migration and Media: Crossing Boundaries, New Directions

Time: November 6-7 2009
Place: Utrecht University, Netherlands

Co-hosted by Nottingham Trent University and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.

Studying the relationship between diasporas and the media presents several challenges and issues that are at the core of humanities, social sciences, anthropology, and cultural and media studies.

In the last two decades, an increase in the number of theories and amount of empirical research in the field, with topics ranging from Diaspora, mobility, migration, ethnicity, cosmopolitanism, postcolonialism, identity politics, representation, and practices of media production and consumption, have enhanced our understanding of the everyday lives of Diasporas and migrants.

Through this process, the area of Diaspora, migration and media has evolved to embrace different theoretical and methodological perspectives, resulting in a plethora of work, and as a result, consolidating its position as an important area of investigation.

On the other hand, any emerging canon needs to be criticized and challenged if the field is to retain its dynamism. In addition, the increasingly vocal critiques against multiculturalism give rise to defensive writing: is it time to develop more positive and forceful lines of enquiry.

The aim of this workshop, then is to address the state-of-the-art in the field by inviting colleagues – academics, non-academics, researchers and PhD students – to map the diverse areas of investigation and/or present ongoing empirical and theoretical work that might offer a critique as well as point out new directions in the field.

The organizers invite abstracts that address the following themes, but is also considering proposals which fall outside of them:

* The local/global diasporic cultural experiences

* Dynamics of migration and memory

* Dynamics of Representation, discourse and language

* Subjectivity, emotion and identity

* Diaspora, youth and media

* Diasporic Audiences

* Diaspora and Queer theory

* Visual Cultures and Diasporas/Migrants

* Music and Diasporas

* Cultural Citizenship

* Cultural policy and Diaspora

* Web 2.0, social media and Diasporas: what are they doing for Diasporas and minorities?

* The backlash against multiculturalism and/in the media

* Diasporic/minority media: what is new?

* Urban environments and multicultural encounters

* Diasporic generations, communication and media

The deadline for submissions is June 16 2009. Registration fee: £50
For further information please contact: or

University of Basel:

International Conference on Youth Transitions

Time: September 11 and 12, 2009
Place: University of Basel, Switzerland

The University of Basel and the Swiss youth panel survey TREE (Transitions from Education to Employment) cordially invites you to this conference aiming at exploring current youth transitions research in a multidimensional and multidisciplinary perspective. The focus of the first conference day is on exploring methodological, technical and sampling aspects with regard to TREE in particular, and large youth cohort surveys in general. Beyond methodological and technical issues, the second conference day focuses on opportunities and limits of (internationally) comparative research in the field of youth transitions. More specifically, the TREE panel survey and associated research activities are to be examined in relation to ongoing and planned youth cohort research initiatives at the European level.

Provisional programme:
Friday, 11 September

Exchange platform for methodological, technical and sampling issues relating to the TREE and other complex (youth) panel data.
Keynote speaker (early evening keynote): Prof. Vernon Gayle, Stirling University, Scotland/UK

Saturday, 12 September

Interdisciplinary symposia/workshops on opportunities and limits of (internationally) comparative youth transitions research, based on ongoing and planned youth cohort research activities such as TREE, NEPS, etc.
Keynote speakers: Prof. Max Bergman, University of Basel, Prof. Hans-Peter Blossfeld, University of Bamberg

Call for papers

Within the framework outlined above, proposals for papers, paper workshops or symposia are welcome in the following topical areas:
– Current transitional research findings based on large longitudinal youth surveys;
– Opportunities and limitations of (internationally) comparative research in the field of youth transition;
– Current methodological issues regarding large longitudinal (youth) surveys;
– Beyond education, training and labour market: complementary dimensions of youth transition;
– Quantitative vs. qualitative approaches: Can/must they be combined/reconciled?

Single our group proposals are welcome in English, French and German and should not exceed 5 000 characters per contribution. Deadline 15 April 2009, submit to

Further dates & deadlines:

Paper acceptance: 1 June 2009
Registration opening and detailed conference programme: 1 Juli 2009

download pdf:

Commission on Legal Pluralism: call for papers

Legal Pluralist Perspectives on Development and Cultural Diversity

Time: August 31 – September 3, 2009
Place: Zurich, Switzerland

In dealing with the impact of globalisation and transnational forms of law, the attention of a growing number of state institutions, policy makers, scholars and international organizations has focused on how law operates in a variety of settings. For current social, economic and political changes across the globe are manifested in vastly increased flows of commodities, people, capital, technologies, images and knowledge across local, regional and national frontiers. Attempts to monitor and regulate these changes make it necessary to reappraise the ways in which legal pluralism works and the forms that it adopts.

In its conference the Commission will explore this issue from the perspective of studies of non-state and state laws and of the relationships which are possible between different laws in circumstances of legal pluralism. It will also focus on the many different ways in which laws operate and are utilised by social actors in these new circumstances. It will address the different ways in which discourses about rights and obligations are adopted by different constituencies and how local concerns shape the ways in which universal legal categories of rights are being implemented, resisted and transformed as well as reformulated in these processes.

In examining these issues the Commission’s Conference will highlight:
1) the operation and effects of legal pluralism at a variety of levels;
2) the ways in which states regulate and respond to pluralism and its impact on communities and social actors; and
3) how other normative orders are invoked in response to processes of globalisation by various bodies such as indigenous people, minorities, non-governmental organisations and individuals.

Topics for discussion may comprise, but need not be limited to, the role of international law, (including human rights) as well as the management of natural resources, gender issues, law, governance and legal pluralism, law, theory and justice, and the legal regulation of biogenetics.

The abstracts have to be submitted by May 15 2009

For any further information, please contact the executive secretariat,
Dr. Markus Weilenmann, Alpenstreet 25
CH-8803 Rüschlikon, Switzerland

Nordic Migration Research (NMR):

A new organization promoting Nordic research cooperation on the IMER-field, Nordic Migration Research, was launched in January 2009 with the support of a Nordforsk network grant.

Nordic Migration Reseach is chaired by professor Ulf Hedetoft, director of the SAXO Institute at the University of Copenhagen, and has an elected Board with 12 members from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, representing some of the main research centers and national associations in the Nordic countries. An aim is to also include Iceland in the cooperation.

NMR is a membership-based professional organization, and anybody interested can join. Members receive several benefits, comprising access to Nordic networking, subscription to the NMR Journal currently being planned, reduced fees to conferences and seminars, a bi-monthly electronic newsletter, mobility grants, and more.

For more information on Nordic Migration Research, on membership and registration, please see the new NMR webpages:

University of Vienna:

Guest Professorship in Migration and Integration Policy Research

The Department of Political Sciences of the University of Vienna invites applications for a guest professorship in Migration and Integration Policy Research during the Winter Term (October-January) of 2009.

The Department of Political Science is looking for a scholar with a sound research record, international publications, and experience in teaching in the area of migration and integration policy. We particularly welcome applications from candidates with a research focus on issues of inclusion and exclusion related to migration in Europe, especially in the context of overlapping memberships and intersecting differences (e.g. cultural/ethnic/religious/gender/class).

The successful candidate will be expected to teach a total of 3 courses for Masters and PhD students. The teaching can be conducted in English or German. Knowledge of the German language is welcome but not necessary.

Flexible time arrangements concerning the teaching schedule and presence at the department are possible.

Deadline for applications: 31.03.2009

Written applications should include a letter of intent, a CV, a list of publications, and a description of the previous teaching experience. The application code is GP 15/09.

Please address applications to
The Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Vienna,
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rudolf Richter (Tel: +43-1-4277-49001), 1090 Wien, Rooseveltplatz 2.

For details, please visit:

The International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO):

Doctoral Research Fellowship on African Migration

The International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO) is inviting applications for a three-year position as a doctoral researcher, based in Oslo, Norway. The position is part of a new project entitled “Theorizing Risk, Money and Moralities in Migration (TRiMM)”, led by senior researcher Jørgen Carling. The doctoral researcher will address the project’s themes through an empirical study of migration from Africa to Europe.

See  for further details.

Application deadline: 1 May 2009.

University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland:

Assistant professor in migration studies with a strong interest in legal issues

This position has been created as part of a project-specific grant in the area of migration law funded by the Swiss University Conference. The programme is run by a network of three Swiss universities (Neuchâtel, Berne, Fribourg) and aims to build up an interdisciplinary research centre in migration law.

The position is full time and limited to a period of three years, 2009-2011 (beginning date: July 1, 2009).

The assistant professor will be responsible for four hours of teaching (in French or English), as well as research and administrative tasks within the MAPS (the Centre for the Understanding of Social Processes) and within the future research centre in migration law.

Candidates must hold a PhD in one of the disciplines of the social and human sciences (education, geography, migration or ethnic studies, psychology, political science, social anthropology, sociology, etc.) and attest to a strong interest in the legal and institutional aspects of migration and experience working in an interdisciplinary team.

Candidates are expected to have attested teaching experience as well as a record of post-doctoral research activities and publications in the field of specialization. The position is open to young scholars.

Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, a copy of all higher-level diplomas, a publication list as well as a short description of the field of specialization the candidate would develop (2-3 pages). Applicants should also send a list of experts who could evaluate their application.

Please send applications via e-mail to professor Janine Dahinden, Maison d’analyse des processus sociaux (MAPS), Deadline for applications: April 15, 2009.

For details see the University of Neuchâtel website or send an e-mail to

Swedish Research Council for Working Life and Social Reasearch:

Postdocs in Ethnic and Migration Studies

The Swedish Research Council for Working Life and Social Research  – FAS – has launched at new Marie Curie programme under the heading of “COFAS”.

“Incoming” COFAS fellowships offers foreign students the possibility of doing research in collaboration with a Swedish research institutionen for a period of two years on quite favourable conditions. Ethnic and Migration Studies is a special responsibility area of the FAS research council.

Information on the incoming COFAS fellowships can be found here: 

University of Copenhagen:

PhD Fellowship on Migration and Global Inequality

The Graduate School at the Faculty of Humanities at University of Copenhagen, Denmark invites applications for a joint Ph.D. fellowship between the Faculty of Humanities, the Danish Institute of International Studies, Copenhagen and the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation.

The PhD Fellowship is awarded within the area of “Migration and global inequality” is a three-year program and is expected to be enrolled at the Graduate School at the Faculty of Humanities from 1 Septemeber 2009.

Proposals should explore the double process of ‘flow’ and ‘closure’ of globalisation; the relationship between ‘flows’ in terms of migration, instability, movement on the one hand, and attempts to ‘fix’ these flows in terms of control and governing on the other. Furthermore, both empirical and normative aspects of these processes should be explored – just as fieldwork is encouraged.

The PhD fellow will be jointly associated with Centre for the Study of Equality and Multiculturalism (CESEM), University of Copenhagen, and the Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS).

For more info see:

Nils Holtug
Centre for the Study of Equality and Multiculturalism
Department of Media, Cognition and Communication
tel. +45 35 32 88 81
web: and

The PhD fellow will also be affiliated with The Danish Research School in Philosophy, History of Ideas and History of Science, web:

Utlysning av forskningsmidler fra stiftelsen Helse og Rehabilitering via Norsk Folkehjelp :

Gjennom stiftelsen Helse og Rehabilitering (HR) kan man søke om midler til definerte forskningsprosjekter.

Søknadene kan ikke sendes direkte til HR, men sendes gjennom definerte søkerorganisasjoner.  Norsk Folkehjelp er en slik organisasjon, og midler til forskning med relevans til organisasjonens arbeid kan søkes gjennom Norsk Folkehjelps hovedadministrasjon. Godkjente forskningsinstitusjoner/forskere  kan sende søknad gjennom Norsk Folkehjelp i 2009 for prosjekter med oppstart i 2010.

Relevant forskning ved søknad gjennom Norsk Folkehjelp vil være innen områdene:

1)Rettferdig fordeling av makt og ressurser” med fokus på flyktning- og inkluderingsarbeid. Herunder migrasjonsforskning og sosial ulikhet i helse

2) ”Vern om liv og helse” med fokus på rednings- og ulykkesforebyggende arbeid.

Les mer om helseområdene prosjektene kan rette seg mot på
Skissesøknad og elektronisk søknadsskjema

Fra og med 2008 innførte Helse og Rehabilitering elektronisk søknadsbehandling og søknadsskjema. Søkerne kan ikke selv laste ned søknadsskjema eller motta skjema per post. Norsk Folkehjelp oppretter elektroniske søknadsskjema for aktuelle søkere. For at Norsk Folkehjelp skal opprette søknadsskjema for søker kreves at søker laster ned skjema for prosjektskisse, fyller ut dette og sender det til Norsk Folkehjelp ( Blir søknaden godkjent oppretter vi et elektronisk søknadsskjema.

Skisser kan nå sendes inn for vurdering og søknadsskjema kan åpnes fra 1. april. Norsk Folkehjelp vil være ansvarlig overfor HR for de søknader som blir innvilget, og vil derfor vurdere skissene og søknadene ut fra egne målsettinger.

Søkere som får godkjent skisse og opprettet søknadsskjema vil få tilsendt mer informasjon om søknadsgangen i Norsk Folkehjelp og i Helse og Rehabilitering. Intern søknadsfrist (dvs. siste dato Norsk folkehjelp mottar søknadsskjema for videre innsending til H og R) for ferdig utfylt søknadsskjema med vedlegg er 15. mai 2009.

Du finner også mye nyttig informasjon på Helse og Rehabilitering sine hjemmesider.

Kontaktpersoner i Norsk Folkehjelp er:
Per Øivind Eriksen tlf. 98 22 95 41.
Anne Cathrine Seland, tlf: 97 52 14 10


* Siaglit Ben-Zion (2009): A Roadmap to the Heavens: An Anthropological Study of Hegemony Among Priests, Sages, and Laymen. Academic Studies Press

The book explores the rich and complex relationships between the Sages, Priests, and laymen who competed for hegemony in social, cultural, and political arenas. In the process of constituting a counter-hegemony, the attitude of the Sages towards the Priests entailed ambivalent psychological mechanisms, such as attraction – rejection, imitation – denial, and cooperation – confrontation. The book further reveals that to achieve political and social power the Sages used the established hegemonic priestly discourse to undermine the existing social structure. The innovative discovery of this monograph is that while the Sages professed a new social order based on intellectual achievement, they retained elements of the old order, such as family attribution, group nepotism, endogamy, ritual purity and impurity, and secret knowledge. Thus, social mobility based on education was available only to privileged social classes.

Further details regarding the book and its availability can be found at Academic Studies Press’ website.

* Paul Weller (2009): A Mirror For Our Times: “The Rushdie Affair” And The Future Of Multiculturalism, London and New York: Continuum

International faith expert Professor Paul Weller’s new book exploring multi-culturalism today and its journey over the last two decades includes a ‘six point challenge’ on dealing with this much debated subject and also identifies ‘ten learning points’ from reflection more directly upon ‘the Rushdie affair’.

* People on the Move: Handbook of Selected Terms and Concepts. New publication from The Hague Process on Refugees and Migration (THP Foundation) in cooperation with UNESCO.

Elaborated in cooperation with international experts, this handbook takes stock of the present use of some selected terms and concepts. It aims to contribute to greater precision and accuracy in language and discourse on the part of all stakeholders although it does not claim to be exhaustive or definitive. It is designed to be accessible to a general public which may not be familiar with the detailed discussions in the field of refugee and migration policy.

Download this publication (PDF File)

*Alex Stepick, Terry Rey, and Sarah J Mahler (eds.) (2009): Churches and Charity in the Immigrant City. Religion, Immigration, and Civic Engagement in Miami. Rutgers University Press

In addition to being a religious country-over ninety percent of Americans believe in God-the United States is also home to more immigrants than ever before.  Churches and Charity in the Immigrant City focuses on the intersection of religion and civic engagement among Miami’s immigrant and minority groups. The contributors examine the role of religious organizations in developing social relationships and how these relationships affect the broader civic world. Essays, for example, consider the role of leadership in the promotion and creation of “civic social capital” in a Haitian Catholic church, transnational ties between Cuban Catholics in Miami and Havana, and several African-American congregations that serve as key comparisons of civic engagement among minorities.

* The book Geographical Names as a Part of the Cultural Heritage is now published by The Dutch and German-speaking Division of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN)

This book contains 27 contributions authored mostly by UNGEGN members from 20 countries and 4 continents. 22 of these contributions, however, focus on European cases; most of them on North, Central, East and Southeast European situations. All texts are in English.

Major topics are
* Place names as keys to older cultural layers
* Place names in minority languages and the role of place names for national/ethnic minorities
* Place names as political symbols and their use for political purposes (place name changes for political reasons)
* The role of place names in space-related identity building
* Functions of toponymic data files in place name preservation

You can order this volume at a price of € 25.- plus postage by e-mail (, by fax (+43-1-4277-9 531) or surface mail (Regina Schneider, University of Vienna, Institute of Geography and Regional Research, A-1010 Wien, Universitätsstraße 7).
* Nikolai Genov (Ed.) (2008): Interethnic Integration in five European societies. Kraemer-Verlag

Present day ethnic relations question the vision of progressing assimilation of ethnic minorities. Neither the development of traditional nor of new minorities follows this pattern any more. The reasons are related to the modern means of transportation and communication, to the porous state borders and the global spread of cultural pluralism and individualization. Democratic governance and constitutional human rights also allow ethnic minorities to resist ethnic assimilation. The ideas about integration of minorities or of multiculturalism offer little theoretical and practical help in this dynamic situation. We witness the turn to interethnic integration in the sense of convergence of values, normative standards and behavioural patterns among ethnic groups. This concept fosters the discourse and policies focusing on full economic, political and social citizenship for representatives of all ethnic groups. The concept implies respect to ethnic diversity and ethnic symbioses together with efforts to institutionalize the mutual enrichment of cultures.


* Anne-Lise Arnesen, Cézar Bîrzéa, Bernard Dumont, Miguel Angel Essomba, Elisabeth Furch, Angelos Vallianatos, Ferran Ferrer (eds.) (2008): Policies and practices for teaching sociocultural diversity – A survey report

Although teaching and management of diversity are taken into account in almost all the countries participating in the survey, the “enhanced value” of diversity, which implies the creation of conditions for inclusive participation favorable to equal opportunities for all, is not unanimously approved. This report underlines that teacher education institutions play an important role, in collaboration with policy makers, in drafting study programmes, but also in defining national policies concer¬ning teacher education. Such is not always the case for the relevant qualification requirements for teachers, the evaluation of associated skills or the recognition of experience gained in the field of sociocultural diversity. This report is the result of a survey on the initial training of teachers in sociocultu¬ral diversity in Europe, carried out in 16 countries within the framework of the project “Policies and practices for teaching sociocultural diversity” launched by the Steering Committee for Education of the Council of Europe in 2006. An analysis of replies from practitioners completes the results of the survey. The recommendations contained in this report will serve as a basis for carrying out the second phase of the project on the definition of a framework of teachers com¬petences relating to the enhanced value of diversity.

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